Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States Should Not Negotiate With Terrorists

The United States first tool to achieve these goals is diplomatic. First, the United States needs to retract the policy that the United States does not negotiate with Terrorists. Negotiation creates a negative connotation of concession or handing power over to the enemy. Negotiation, however, can be mere discussion with the enemy to find a way to end violence. Diplomatic tools consist of treaties, conventions, alliances, and accords. Holding conventions and creating accords will be the most successful approaches. Treaties require Senate and Presidential approval which can be a lengthy process and is tied up in domestic politics. The United States already has certain alliances and it is necessary to cultivate them, but in the context of ISIS and Syria, alliances are already set with the Free Syrian Army. Conventions to bring together many nations in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, to formulate agreements and accords with the states that are involved in Syria and fighti ng ISIS. ISIS, should not be a signatory since they are not a recognized state, but should be able to attend to make decisions with an understanding of ISIS’ wants because by understanding their objectives and interests we are better able to make policy to decrease violence of ISIS. The second strategic tool is economics. Economics is underutilized as a strategic policy; its role is also not understood in success in war. First businesses should always be able to profit, even during times ofShow MoreRelatedShould The United States Negotiate With Terrorist?999 Words   |  4 PagesShould the United States Negotiate With Terrorist? The event of September 11, 2001 has left Americans afraid and the government on edge when it comes to our national security. 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