Saturday, October 5, 2019

Discuss the main causes and effects of gun crime in the USA Essay

Discuss the main causes and effects of gun crime in the USA - Essay Example Doctors in such hospitals are appealing to the government to control the way it issues guns to the public (Boseley, 2013, p.1). This paper looks at the major causes of gun crimes and its effect to the American population. One of the causes of gun crimes is the uncontrolled offer of guns to the public by the government. The government makes it easy for people to access guns for private use (Boseley, 2013, p.1). When people get the guns easily they are likely to misuse them in purposes that are not related to personal safety. Further, the fact that the government has reduced regulation on gun accessibility makes criminals easily access them for their activities. This has made it challenging for the government to control the manner people use their guns. Another cause of increased gun crimes is the belief by the people that acquiring private guns makes them safer (Boseley, 2013, p.1). People in United States think that owning a gun is important if they are to protect their families and their properties. This increases the number of individuals who own guns in the country per household. In fact, when the number of individuals owning private guns increases, people become less secure (Stray, 2013, p.1). This is from the fact that some people settle their differences using the guns which result in injuries or deaths. Actually, instead of guns enhancing personal security and safety, it is increasing insecurity in the country (Stray, 2013, p.1). In addition, issues of mental illness have contributed to increased gun crimes in the United States. When people with mental illness have easy accessibility of guns, they are likely to use them to commit crimes unwillingly (Boseley, 2013, p.1). Mentally ill persons are likely to use guns as toys which end up harming others, especially if they are not monitored by sober people. Mentally ill persons also lack the ability to reason on what is right for them and thus

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