Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Democratization efforts in the Gulf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Democratization efforts in the Gulf - Essay Example However, more still needs to be done to ensure that the democratization process is effective. There is a need to establish reforms in the judiciary and allowing the civil society to perform their oversight duties. The limits of educational policy as an engine of social change and economic uplifting can be discussed from a number of perspectives. The Middle East education is inherently based on the religious teachings of Islam2. Anything contrary to this form of education is disregarded. The Middle East does not have educational policies that bring about social change in the region. Education is centred on religion, and this, hinders other tenets of education to be wished away as they are regarded as tools that undermine the Islamic faith3. It is important to note that certain elements of the education system in the Middle East are relevant to the needs of the people only to some

Monday, October 28, 2019

RJR Nabisco Case Study Essay Example for Free

RJR Nabisco Case Study Essay Executive Summary The RJR Nabisco case study was used to implement concepts that I have learned in class during the semester and apply it to the real world. The Nabisco case allowed me to develop my skills by using an Excel Worksheet, understanding how to calculate the fair value price per share, and determining the fair value price per share by changing the tax rate and growth rate. First, I was expected to construct an Excel Worksheet. Using the given data and analyzing the case, I was able to find all of the fixed variables needed in the Excel Worksheet. Using these fixed variables, I was able to use my prior skills in Excel to construct equations to find the dependent variables, such as the fair value price per share. This case also helped me develop my skills in calculating the fair value price per share. Using the different variables given in this case, I was able to use equations to find the best estimate for the fair value price per share of RJR Nabisco. The third benefit I gained from this assignment was how the tax rate and growth rate affected the fair value price per share. Using the previous data and the reusable Excel Sheet, I was able to find the changes in the fair value price per share due to changes in the tax and growth rate. Overall, the RJR Nabisco case helped me develop my skills in using Excel Worksheets. It also let me apply what I have learned in class about calculating the fair value price per share, and allowed me to experience it in a more realistic setting. I was also able to see how changes in the tax rate and growth rate affect the fair value price per share. 1. Construct a reusable Excel sheet that computes the fair value per share using the information given in the case. Please make sure that your Excel sheet can closely approximate the value per share given in the case (~$108). I was able to construct an Excel Worksheet (see page 5) that was able to use the information given in the RJR Nabisco Case Study. I was able to make it using different variables that would allow me to change the tax rate and  growth rate to get the next two answers. 2. In your Excel sheet, change the input cell for tax rate to 15%. What is the new fair value per share? By changing the tax rate to 15%, it causes the price per share to increase to $123.19 3. Change the tax rate back to 34% and this time change the perpetual growth rate to 5%. What is the new fair value per share? By changing the tax rate back to 34% and moving the growth rate up to 5%, it causes the price per share to increase to $125.14.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

African American Sentiments :: essays research papers

For those people who did not study the Civil War or doesn?ft know anything about the Civil War, there were many African Americans fighting too. Before the Civil War, the African Americans that were not freed by their landowners were treated poorly. Some left their family in the south and escaped to the north in hope to get more freedom and also to help bring an end to slavery. After the battle at Antietam, many African Americans were allowed to enroll in the war. Many of them wanted to fight for one single purpose and that was to bring an end to slavery. In the movie ?gGlory,?h the director focused on the African American in the north that fought in the 54th regiment led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. During the time of the Civil War, the African Americans that fought in the 54th regiment were often treated unfairly but there were always nice people that backed them up. In this essay, I?fm going to discuss the different sentiments towards the African American solders that dedicated th eir life to preserve the union and abandon slavery. During the Civil War, there were people who were extremely prejudiced against the 54th regiment because the soldiers were all different colored skin and the people where used to the idea that different color skinned people worked as slaves. In ?gGlory,?h Colonel Montgomery, Sargent Mocati (the Sargent that trained and prepared them for war) and the colonel that was in charge of distributing necessities, served as the people who discriminated the African American soldiers. When in training, Sargent remained strict towards the training of the African American soldiers even after his short talk with Robert about being too harsh on the soldiers and stuff. I think he was racist against the soldiers because if the solders were white, he probably wouldn?ft treat them the same way. When he was teaching the soldiers how to march, some of them couldn?ft tell the difference between left and right. He acted as if all African Americans were uneducated and they were hopeless to teach. Shoes were a n essential part of training. Many of the African American soldiers didn?ft even have decent shoes when they enrolled for the war. Naturally, after all the training, their shoes worn down. If the 54th regiment were composed of white soldiers, the department that pass out shoes would already prepare extra shoes for them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Helping Others Essay

One day on the way home from work, I was driving on the freeway. I passed a car that had broken down and was sitting on the side of the road. There was a lady and her two littlechildren that were stranded. It was hot outside and I stopped to see if I could help. I gave them a ride to their house, made sure that they would be ok and then I left. I never saw them again. I didn’t know this family; I didn’t stop because I thought that I may win an award or get famous because of it. I stopped because I have been in that position before and know how it feels to be stranded with your children. Why would someone help another person whom they don’t even know? There have been some controversial theories on the helping of others. One theory is from the egoists. A major believer in the egoism theory is the famous author, Ayn Rand. She believes that a person should only help another person if they hold value to them, or if in helping them they will receive something in return , which is all supposed to relate to one’s own happiness. Egoism claims that each person has but one ultimate goal: his or her own welfare. This theory also implies that not everyone can be an egoist. It relies on other people being altruistic. Most altruists believe that each person has an obligation to give pleasure and take away the pains of other people. Altruism involves the unselfish concern for others. It entails doing things only out of a desire to help, not because one feels obligated to do so because of loyalty, duty, or religious reasons. Altruism involves true selflessness. The sacrifice of one’s own welfare for the welfare of another is what this theory is about. Rand believes, as do most egoists, that an altruistic person has low self-esteem and a lack of respect for other people. I can’t see how this could be true. I think that one would need to have some self-esteem in order to risk their lives for others. And in reference to the lack of respect for others, I think that is exactly the opposite of the reality: respect for others would seem to be a driving force behind altruism. I do not agree with Rand and the egoism point of view. I wonder what the world would be like if there were more people who follow egoism. Would the heroes of the world not exist? What would happen to us  all? If every person were out for themselves and didn’t care about others, except for what they would get out of being nice, what a mean and selfish world this would be. Would there have to be more altruistic people in order for our world to survive? I h ope not. I truly would hate to live in a world like that, mainly because a person, me included, would either have to be the egoist or the altruistic and I don’t want to be either one of those. There have been many stories about the brave people who helped to rescue wounded and trapped victims under the ruins of the twin towers, September 11, 2001, after the terrorist attack. I believe that these heroes did this because of their concern for others. I don’t believe that the rescuers would have time to stop and figure out their priorities and possible gains from helping the victims. They acted immediately and ran in there regardless of the danger to themselves. Most of the rescuers had no idea who they were rescuing, nor what would happen to themselves once they got into the rubble. If there were egoism principles applied to this rescue, would anyone have been saved? I believe that unless there was some kind of reward offered, not as many people would have been rescued. I don’t know how an egoist could have friendships or ever find real love. What kind of parent would an egoism enthusiast make? I believe that the child would definitely suffer and ultimately end up being altruistic. Living under a dominating and controlling person would be horrible, and it would cause low self-esteem and lack of respect for others outside of the relationship. I think that the less respect you show another person, the less respect that person has for others. On the other hand, I think the altruistic person is the one who gets walked on all of the time and used. This would not be good either. What kind of real relationship can one have if they are never concerned for their own welfare? I would think that it would be a very one-sided relationship. Personally, I believe that there has to be some balance between the two theories. I think that egoists are selfish, and I would not fit into that category. I do not believe that I would fit fully into the altruistic category either. It would be really difficult to be fully one way or another. The theories of egoism and altruism are contradictory to each other. I don’t believe that being fully one way or the other could provide true happiness. If there could be a society that is fully altruistic or fully egoistic, then I think our ethical system would not work. I believe  that my life shows a mix of the two theories. I look out for myself, while at the same time I look out for my children and animals. My family knows that they are most important to me, but they also know that I am important to myself. I don’t think that I could take care of my family if I did not take care of myself at the same time. Self-respect and healthy self-esteem are important to me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Global Opportunities for Pounder Bicycle Company Essay

Business firms struggle to remain global in scope and these organizations are faced with several challenges in there contemporary business dealings and there is a requirement for such firms to struggle for there continued existence. Research indicates that business environment keeps on varying as these organizations endeavour to sustain their market share as well as provide quality products/services to there clientele. Business environment entails both internal and external features that may influence upon the expansion and general performance of the business. Contemporary firms are required to construct economic and political links that typically take the structure of transfer of goods, finances and populace across national boundaries. This phase of relationships has in the process witnessed combined sharing of information and philosophies that has led to enhancement in the swiftness of change, ambiguity, uncertainty, and impulsiveness in day to day business undertakings (Lee and Carter, 2005). This paper will therefore examine Australian business environment and particularly examine the current political, economic, social-cultural, technological and legal environmental factors that impacts business entry to Australia. It will further examines the concept of globalization with relevance to Pounder Bicycle Company’s competitors, overall market size, marketing strategies, market entry strategies, project costs and the benefits that the company will attain if it will succeed in Australia. Australia Environmental Analysis Political  Political factors may have a direct and indirect effect on the performance of the Pounder Bicycle Company. Some of the decisions made by the Australian government may impact negatively on the operations of Pounder Bicycle. For instance, the decision to minimize the production and marketing of high performance bicycles to countries believed to be a threat to Australian local industries. This will definitely have huge implications to the company particularly in the marketing of bicycles in Australia. Economic Every business organization including Pounder Bicycle Company is affected by economic factors. Fiscal policy rates, inflation, interest rate policy, cash exchange rates, monetary policy and consumer factors among other economic factors set forth in Australia may have an impact on the company’s undertakings in Australia. Research indicates that the Australian climate of the economy dictates how the consumer behaves in the economy. Australian economy is reported to be in a boom thus there is increased speculation that the company’s customers can obtain the bicycles comfortably i. e. comfortable with the prices of the array of bicycles. Opportunities for the company however exist since Australia government opts cycling of tourists meaning there is market for the bicycles because it supports the economic growth of Australia (Austroads, 1999). Social-Cultural Forces within the Australian community such as family, friends and media will have an impact on how Pounder’s Bicycles will perform in the market. Research reveals that in Australia, many customers have been misinformed to believe that bicycles from Australia only are of quality and of high quality thus those coming from outside Australia may be of low quality. Such social factors affect the customer’s attitude, opinions and interests on how they will approach the Pounder’s bicycles in Australian market. Technological The way Pounder Bicycle Company will operate its business will also depend on technology changes. The internet will boost the company’s chances to meet new markets in Australia and extend its global outreach. However, it can be noted that the company will not require high technological inventions since it will manufacture traditional bicycles and market the bicycles in Australia. Legal  The way the company will operate in terms of operating rules of law in Australia will matter a lot. The company will be engaged in legal business practice of marketing bicycles which is permitted by Australian law. Therefore Pounder Company will not be against the Australian law thus it will be an ideal opportunity for the company to market its bicycles in its new market i. e. Oceania Australia (Cycling Promotion Fund, 2006). Industry Analysis Australia is one of the most powerful nations in the world boasting of a well-built society, politics, customs and economy. It has contributed significantly to the entire economy of Europe and the entire world today over the past. Right from the beginning of European incorporation, it has been a main contributor to the expansion of the European Union and it is looked upon as one of the pillars of the continent and the European Union at large. Australia is vigorously concerned in almost every phase of the European Union and the most outstanding ones are; provision of political leadership, military relations, economies, diplomacy and policy making. Sale of bicycles in Australia is a popular market since many of the individuals living in Oceania use bicycles to travel to workplaces and learning institutions among other places. Research indicates that bicycles in Australia are popular means of transport since many people believe that the use of such bicycles are of great benefits particularly health benefits i. e. by riding bicycles to various places it is a way of exercise thus individuals have no need to go to gyms for further practise. The growth of bicycle industry can be traced back to 17th century in Australia which by then bicycles were the most popular and convenient way of transport in the country. Good economy, stable exchange rates, flexible import duties, better trade tariffs and more importantly, the single currency used by the two countries are factors that promotes international marketing. Europeanization has directly affected the governments of the member states; this means that the developments that Australia has gained so far in culturally and domestically are linked to the European Union’s progress (Hill, 2005). The comments by the Minister of Transport of Australia and Regional Services Mr. John Anderson that the enhancement of the total of secure cycling in Australia will improve the Australian well being automatically indicates that the bicycle industry in Australia is popular and therefore Pounder Bicycle Company has the opportunity to utilize such ready markets in Australia. The minister further believes that a raise in cycling will advance transportation access for lots of the local people in Australia, amplify levels of personal health and also trim down the greenhouse emanations, air contamination and traffic jams. Further more, cyclists and non-cyclists will gain from lesser health expenditure in the society, a smaller amount of traffic on Australian infrastructure and more importantly enjoy cleaner air (Cycling Promotion Fund, 2006). Therefore with such reasons and intentions by the Australian government it implies that cycling is more encouraged and thus Pounder Bicycle Company can venture in Australia since it will face no hostility or lack of market for the bicycles since the government of Australia encourages individuals to use bicycles in their day to day activities. Further, the size of bicycle market in Australia is reportedly to be approximately over a billion dollars at retail level per year; adults in this case are highest buyers or owners of the bicycles as compared to children. Also there are a variety of bicycles being sold by different companies who manufacture bicycles in Australia; many have emphasized on the comfort and speed of such bikes. Therefore with such industry trends in Australia Pounder Bicycle Company will have the opportunity of selling traditional bicycles to Australians since research indicates that such types of bicycles are on the decline (Cycling Promotion Fund, 2006). Market Pounder Bicycle Company should not concentrate on the Australian bicycle market but instead should identify particular market segments which will record high sales of traditional markets. Therefore the company will have not to compete in the entire market but rather identify its strongest segments that will ensure success of the company in Australia. Pounder Bicycle Company should utilize encirclement strategies for winning the competitors in Australian bicycle market. Such a strategy is also referred to as envelopment strategy and it is considered subtle, moderate and a bit non-offensive but dangerous way of offending the rival. Pounder Bicycle Company can utilize two ways using his approach. First, the company can introduce broad range of bicycles that are alike to the competitor’s bicycles and each of these bicycles will get a share of the same market the competitor is currently in. In the long term, the rival will be demoralized, undermined and depressed thus the competitor at large may opt to give up the market. Such technique will ensure that full scale confrontation is avoided between the company and the target competitors in Australia (Brassington and Pettitt, 2000). The second approach that the company may utilize is that approach of market niches rather than concentrating on bicycles themselves. In this approach, the market share is liberated from the target competitor via the expansion of market niches that surround it. With such strategies therefore the company can achieve substantial market share which will eventually leads to success of the company in the long-run (Brassington and Pettitt, 2000). Market Entry Since Pounder Bicycle Company has opted to go international i. e. enter Australian market several market entry strategies are available to the company to utilize. However, such entry strategies differ with cost, risk and the degree of control which can be put into effect over them with particular regards to security of markets i. e. whether it will be successful. Pounder Bicycle Company should utilize the indirect method of entry to Australian market: Under indirect exporting market entry strategy, an exporter can access foreign market free from risks of doing it directly. It will involve Pounder Bicycle Company using independent organizations within the Australia’s domestic markets. The company can do this through various ways; for example, a domestic based export merchants, who will take the title of the bicycles and sells them in Australia, domestic based export agents who sell and market the bicycles on behalf of the company and co-operative organizations who act on behalf of the company. Pounder Bicycle Company should utilize such strategy by either choosing to use one of the above methods of indirect exporting because of the following advantages; communication is very much easy because the exporting company is domestically based and the risks of investing are much lower than coming up with full market in the host country i. e. in Australia (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, and Wong, 1999). Project Costs and Financing The whole project of entering the Australian market will require Pounder Bicycle Company to have substantial amount of resources in order to ensure the success of the firm in its business endeavours. The cost of entering the market for instance may be high thus necessitating the company to look for alternative way of sourcing funds. Further the cost of materials to manufacture enough bicycles to be sold in Australia may be high. The company therefore can utilize its own resources i. e. its savings although it should not exhaust all the financial resources in such venture because business entails risk taking. Therefore, the company should opt for loans from financial institutions in order to combine such funds with the internal financial resources that it has. Clear financial forecasting as well as financial cash budgets should be prepared by the company’s management in order to spend the financial resources effectively and wisely. HR Issues and Organization Structure Pounder Bicycle Company will be faced by issue of workforce diversity which is the spread of human labor across the entire globe irrespective of their area of specialization and skills entailed. The existence of the globalization concept have been realized when diverse patterns in workforce are put into consideration. Pounder Bicycle Company will also employ people from the host country i. e. Australia thus the firm will have to adhere to rules and regulations set forth for businesses in Australia regarding employer-employee relationships (Hoyer, 2001). The most excellent means Pounder Bicycle Company can openly develop its financial performance in the industry is to employ, choose and train the right personnel. The most excellent strategic exercise to realize this goal is to carry out what is usually termed as job-fit practice. Such practice is practical to the company since the workforce to be recruited will not be required to undertake further extensive training but carry out their responsibilities right away applying their skills gained somewhere else. Organizational effectiveness can only be achieved if the management of the company is be able to incorporate good leadership, motivation, a well defined organizational structure, forming group dynamics and setting up good structures for communicating in the workplace. Pounder Bicycle Company should formulate a flexible organization structure in the sense that they should be ready to cope with change without affecting their productivity especially when it intends to go international (Cullen and Parboteeah, 2005). Strategic Benefits to Pounder Bicycle Company An analysis of business environment will help the company to know of all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company will face in there quest to expand to Australian market. Therefore the company will be able to consider the following factors: The speed of entering the Oceania market, flexibility/free and exit barriers, the costs to be incurred when entering Oceania market, the risks inherent in the course of entering the market, period of payback/how quick the firm can start earning the returns or proceeds from such investments and the company’s long run goals among other factors will be clearly known in advance. With ascertainment of the above factors therefore, Pounder Bicycle Company will be able to identify its strategic benefits form any opportunities that exist in the Australian market. For instance, the company will benefit from large market share since there is high demand of bicycles in Australia thus the company will realize substantial revenues because of high sales. The company will also strategize well in Australia thus being able to compete effectively with its both local and international competitors (Lovelock, 2006). Conclusion Business environment keeps on changing because of globalization and the concept of international businesses. Businesses therefore are faced with a lot of threats as well as have a lot of opportunities brought about by such aspects of business world. To attain greater investments and better market opportunities in the international market, it is necessary that primary and secondary market research is done (Cullen and Parboteeah, 2005).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Valik SIlvereye essays

Valik SIlvereye essays ..........2007,2008,2009. The priest counted off his steps through the murky slime that passed for ground in this hellish place. His eyes which could penetrate even the blackest night, couldnt see more than a few feet through the choking gray smoke that apparently covered this whole cursed plane. His once bright white cloak had been quickly dulled to the same bland gray that covered everything else here. From time to time he could glimpse the barbed tip of a wing or a sharply clawed foot of the bat-like demons that seemed to be the only other inhabitants of this desolate land. He winced involuntarily as an old pain in his shoulder decided to show itself again. He had felt those black claws, and the wounds although long healed, still ached from time to time. The wicked bats had learned to stay away from him though. A rare smile crept onto his face then at the memory of the piles of bodies it had taken to teach that lesson. He stopped for a moment and pulled out the fine elv ish sword that hung from his hip. The glow from the blade was an eerie green candle in the smoke. He closed his eyes and felt for the subtle tug from the blade which was his only compass through the land. Shifting his direction slightly, he took another step into the dark water. He was being led somewhere, but by whom and for what purpose he couldnt tell. None of his divinations, or spells that might allow him to escape this place seemed to work here, and his God, the great Corellion Larethion protector of the elves, either wouldnt or couldnt answer his pleas for help. For now he had no choice but to continue on where ever he was being led. He took another step. Damn, he had lost count again. He laughed out loud at the futility of it all. By now he had lost count of the times he had lost count. With a sigh, he began again. 1,2,3................ With a great gasp of air Valik Silvereye opened his eyes, the one silver...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Report On The Airasia Tourism Essay Essays

Report On The Airasia Tourism Essay Essays Report On The Airasia Tourism Essay Essay Report On The Airasia Tourism Essay Essay 1.0 Executive sum-up The current state of affairs of Air market is non steady and could fulfill demands of clients, more and more negative intelligence appear to demo depression of AirAsia. AirAsia is a Malaysian-based company which owns air hoses in Asia with low cost and supply 400 flight lines over 25 states, the AirAsia was foremost founded in 1993 and operated in 1998 ( Sen A ; Ng, 2008 ) . With about 20-year history, AirAsia could be regarded as the most successful company in Asia. Brief analysis of AirAsia will be given in the study and farther information will be provided to farther support aid for readers to cognize about AirAsia. 2.0 Introduction The air market is fighting at present, more rivals are involved in the conflict and the competency seems intense than of all time before, higher monetary value of energy and lower monetary value of flights drive most of aeroplane companies loss net income and cut down gross ( Kernchen, 2007 ) . Airline market in Europe, America particularly in Asia is developing in opposite way, with effects of fiscal crisis, less clients go out to go by plane ; economic system is besides influenced by crisis which drives less business communities travel on board to put by plane ( Shaw, 2011 ) . The air hose companies around universe are all affected by crisis, diminish the gross. At the same clip, the velocity of development of engineering is beyond imaginativeness of people, most air hose companies purchase new planes from states expert in mensurating planes such as America, China and Russia, which increase cost and do more hard to equilibrate finance. The aim of the study is to provide information of AirAsia for readers and help them to better understand the factors impacting AirAsia in the hereafter, possible menaces AirAsia will confront with. The study will province an analysis of AirAsia with PESTEL method, from assorted facets to demo the cardinal external factors affect the development of AirAsia. Then the 2nd portion will discourse how the Market Liberalization in the Asia-Pacific assisted AirAsia growing in the part. The 3rd portion of study will implement informations to demo a SWOT analysis of AirAsia and Porter s five forces to farther supply information of AirAsia. With SWOT analysis and Porter s five forces, possible challenges will be given which AirAsia will confront in the hereafter. Finally a decision will be referred to. 3.0 External factors affect AirAsia Many factors will impact the development of an industry, which could easy divided into external and internal factors. To drive organisations come on better in the mutable universe, to analyse and cognize what possible factors will impact organisations is indispensable. Ageless factors are easy to manage and organisations could fix in progress before jobs appear, particularly for states in Asia, most states are at developing groups, external factors such as political relations, economic system or climes will impact organisations development in long-run ( Kohama, 2003 ) . Airline industry is easy affected by those external factors, so the undermentioned content will give a PESTEL analysis to assist readers cognize what will impact AirAsia. 3.1 PESTEL analysis PESTEL analysis is used by directors as one of the most indispensable models to analyze the external factors that affect development of organisations, PESTEL stands for Political, economic, societal, technological, environmental and legal ( William A ; Green, 1997 ) . The undermentioned content will concentrate on state of affairs in Asia in the position of PESTEL analysis. Political factors: Asia is a assorted part compared with other countries, there are assorted states with different authorities systems, besides, Asia has a long history, nevertheless, most Asiatic seem to hold the similar cultural backgrounds, the policies each state clasp are wholly different, and the independency motions are continues late ( Zhang, 2003 ) . AirAsia owns many subordinates in many Asiatic states, since cold war, with intense relationship between China and Japan, Taiwan, continues struggle between South Korea and North Korea, the flights of AirAsia are affected by these political factors, the relationships among Asiatic states are hard to fortell and the political relations in each state seem unsteady ( Yahuda,2005 ) . Economic factors: The economic growing in Asia increased faster since 1945, particularly China and Japan, with independent and off from wars, these two states develop beyond imaginativeness. However, influenced by fiscal crisis, most Asiatic states are fighting economic depression, the rising prices rate rise, exchange rates change daily ( Adams, 2006 ) . All these unsteady factors drive less export and less people spend money on touristry which straight affects the gross of AirAsia. The net income diminution with less clients and less export for AirAsia. Social factors: In Asia, touristry is non thought approximately every bit usual as Europeans, which means, under the effects of cultural background, Asians spend less money on touristry. However, Asians are sensitive to alter of monetary value, particularly when they desire to travel out by plane, lower monetary value will pull them, AirAsia holds the advantages of lower monetary value. With more subdivisions set up in Asiatic states, AirAsia will appeal more Asiatic clients. The population in Asia addition fast, mutable population in Asia thrust more immature people change locations to populate, China and India, these two biggest states in Asia means alteration of demand for AirAsia ( Sanderson A ; Tan, 1995 ) Technological factors: Technology plays of import function in the air hose industry particularly for AirAsia which implement the low cost bearers. With more and more experts visual aspect in Asia, rivals in the field of air hose are able to contrive new things to cut down cost to win in the conflict, if AirAsia wants win eventually, the key is to ask for more professional experts to fall in them. Invention of rivals affects gross of AirAsia, excessively. New aeroplanes with high engineering would appeal to clients to alter buying wonts. Environmental factors: Climate is a cardinal factor which influences the gross of AirAsia, nevertheless, natural factors are non planned or changed by human existences. Most of Asia states realize the importance of protection for environment, with globalisation and development of engineering, the pollution rise and the life milieus are damaged. Now, the motto of energy economy and emanation decrease is popular in China, authoritiess request most organisations use clear energy to bring forth, particularly for air hose companies, lower cost but less pollutions to environment, fuel or gas must conform to jurisprudence of states. Legal factors: Tax requested for clients will be increase by most states, which will impact the gross of AirAsia. Confronting more revenue enhancement for tickets, clients will experience uncomfortable and inquire to cut down the monetary value of tickets. Duty will alter harmonizing to current economic state of affairs of the universe, particularly for Asiatic states who export goods with lower cost to vie with domestic industry. Environmental protection ordinances will alter to bespeak AirAsia to utilize clear fuel or gas which addition cost and cut down gross. Laws of export and import will besides impact AirAsia, all these depend on policies of Asiatic states and economic system of the universe. 3.2 SWOT analysis After saying cardinal external factors which will impact the gross of AirAsia, the company besides needs tools to analyse under these factors, what the development in the hereafter, the SWOT analysis pursues an incorporate strategic place by supplying internal information to reason the strengths, failing and external information of chances and menaces ( Bohm, 2009 ) . The SWOT analysis of AirAsia can be seen below: Figure 1: Strengths: Low cost compared with other rivals, the nucleus value of AirAsia is low cost in Asia. Effective direction, correct strategic places, mark clients. Simple theoretical accounts implemented in AirAsia, researching for long clip to happen out suited developing theoretical accounts. Secure clip and high quality of service attract more clients. Expansion with more than five states in Asia, multi-skilled employees in company means efficient work force. Continues invention, experts teams to contrive new type of aeroplanes. Various air hoses for clients, turn outing more picks for clients. Failing: Lower cost agencies lower wage for employees, could non appeal skilled employees. Government ordinance and policies frequently change towards airdromes, higher revenue enhancement for clients and duty for export and import. More demands of clients, higher compensation asked by riders increase cost of the company. New entrants in this field, more intense competition in Asia. Increasing monetary value of gas and fuel, less net income for AirAsia. Brand is critical for market, airplanes merely with service worse than rivals who ask for higher monetary value. Opportunities: Airlines from Asia to other states should be provided. Different theoretical account but still maintain the rule of lower cost bearers. Increase quality of client service and seek to put up a full-service with low menu. Aggressive competition will drive air market prospers for new paths. Higher monetary value of fuel will force rivals out of air industry. Menaces: Full service addition cost of AirAsia. Entrants of air industry with lower cost. Accident, alteration of clime and catastrophe will act upon assurance of consumers. Close relationship among each system in AirAis will restrict development of company. Higher wage asked by skilled employees, increasing cost of labour. Government ordinances and intense relationship among specific states, unsteady political relations in Asia. ( Lim, 2012 ) 3.3 Porter s Five Forces Porter s five forces are used by directors to foretell possible menaces from rivals which will supply a theoretical account for directors to better understand the industry ( Roy, 2011 ) . After saying PESTEL and SWOT analysis of AirAsia, farther information related with rivals will be provided in the undermentioned portion. The diagram of Porter s five forces could break aid readers to cognize more about possible menaces for AirAsia. Figure 2i?s Competition Strong rivals from China and Singapore with the similar slogan everyone can afford the air ticket as AirAsia. Examples such as Spring Airlines in China and Value Air, Tiger Airways in Singapore are strong rivals for AirAsia. Substitutes In the field of air industry, the replacements are non indispensable menaces for AirAsia. Cars and trains are chief replacements, nevertheless, trains are chosen by transitions merely in China and India, with lower monetary value and safe status, non affected by alteration of clime, trains are influence air industry. Cars can be regarded as menaces for AirAsia in limited conditions, merely for clients who like driving and make non care clip. Menaces of new entrants Asiatic air market is a immense market with possible for most companies, non merely for Asian air companies, new entrants from Europe and America besides involve in intense competition with AirAsia. New entrants will alter the supply and demand, impacting AirAsia market portion. New aeroplanes and particular service will pull loyal clients from AirAsia to new entrants. Dickering power of purchasers. Consumers have more picks confronting big Numberss of air companies ; they will bespeak higher quality of service and be rigorous with the return off clip and arrival clip. They will compare monetary values of rivals with AirAsia, kicking lower monetary value of other air hoses to cut down gross of AirAsia. Dickering power of providers Suppliers concentrated, fuel or gas providers are chiefly in East Asia, and the monetary value of fuel and gas are altering without any bargaining of air companies. Fewer providers for fuel and aircrafts mean higher monetary value they could inquire for. The growing of AirAsia depends on many factors ; the study has stated cardinal external factors which will act upon gross of AirAsia, internal factors of strengths and failing of AirAsia. 4.0 Decision In decision, the study has stated three analysis of AirAsia in order to provide adequate information for readers to understand the strategic places and theoretical accounts the company implement. With PESTEL analysis, cardinal external factors act uponing AirAsia are adverting and SWOT analysis to supply AirAsia strengths and failing, AirAsia should maintain the nucleus value and provide better service with low cost bearers in long term. Porter s five forces analysis besides shows possible menaces for AirAsia should detect in the hereafter, with new entrants and bing rivals, AirAsia should alter direction scheme and entreaty to more skilled staff.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Joseph Priestley and the Discovery of Oxygen

Joseph Priestley and the Discovery of Oxygen As a clergyman, Joseph Priestley was considered an unorthodox philosopher, he supported the French Revolution and his unpopular views caused his home and chapel in Leeds, England, being burned in 1791. Priestley moved to Pennsylvania in 1794. Joseph Priestley was a friend of Benjamin Franklin, who like Franklin was experimenting with electricity before turning his full attention to chemistry in the 1770s. Joseph Priestley - Co-Discovery of Oxygen Priestley was the first chemist to prove that oxygen was essential to combustion and along with Swede Carl Scheele is credited with the discovery of oxygen by isolating oxygen in its gaseous state. Priestley named the gas dephlogisticated air, later renamed oxygen by Antoine Lavoisier. Joseph Priestley also discovered hydrochloric acid, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. Soda Water In 1767, the first drinkable man-made glass of carbonated water (soda water) was invented by Joseph Priestley. Joseph Priestley published a paper called Directions for Impregnating Water with Fixed Air (1772), which explained how to make soda water. However, Priestley did not exploit the business potential of any soda water products. The Eraser April 15, 1770, Joseph Priestley recorded his discovery of Indian gums ability to rub out or erase lead pencil marks. He wrote, I have seen a substance excellently adapted to the purpose of wiping from paper the mark of black lead pencil. These were the first erasers which Priestley called a rubber.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Customer Service Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Customer Service Perspective - Essay Example The SMEs hardly keep in align to these policy and it becomes difficult in applying the balance scorecard technique. But in larger enterprises it is not that difficult. There is larger number of employees, customers are well defined and they have a strong financial stability. Hyde Park Electronics focused upon one product category that provides the maximum of 80% of the sales. This company’s financial position is strong enough but from the point of view of BSC, the focus was only for short term and the company was required to develop strategy for the longer term purpose. Futura Industries is dealing with the high end niche variety of market. Southern Gardens Citrus is the subsidiary company of United States Sugar Corporation and competes in a consolidated market for not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice. The company was financially strong as it had a strong customer base. The sales were huge from the single product category. The BSC tool provided the opportunity for the company to grow. Apart from this perspective, the company focused upon learning and growing with quality and other issues for long run benefit (Robert, 2006). The company focused upon the retention of the talents to help growing in future. There were turnovers, more so a culture was developed and BSC provided the learning and growing technique to be better in achieving the objectives. As per the study of the three companies it seems that they have focused it basically upon customer. Looking at the Hyde Park Electronics and Southern Gardens Citrus it basically focused keeping the customer in the core. The application of BSC in the companies helped in maintaining the objectives and mission of the company. The overall performance of the companies has enhanced in different aspects. From the customers’ perspective the BSC have provided for the improvement in the companies. The implementation was done primarily on the basis of customers, which led to the success of the companies. For

The People of the Book Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The People of the Book - Research Paper Example The Quran view on the question of salvation is, to a significant determined by the question of difference in terms of practice. There seems to be some deep brotherly concern as the Quran engages the Christians in a reflective argument about some practices, which are inconsistent with its own beliefs. For instance, the Quran embraces the practice of religion as carried out by Abraham and suggests for the Christians to engage in the same â€Å"They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with Allah,† (Quran 2:135)1. A clearer view of the Quran perception on Christianity and Judaism could be understood from the perspective of the Quran on biblical figures. In the perspective of the Quran, Jesus was just among the great prophets sent by God to the world and should be treated as such without necessarily elevating him to the level of a deity. This position appears to challenge the position adopted by Christians on the position of Christ. Further, the Quran reserves special recognition for religious figures who feature prominently in the old testament such as Abraham and Isaac. This appears to affirm some close kinship between the Christians and the Muslims. ... It holds that Christians and Jews should make amends for their wrongs in order to reestablish themselves in the true worship of God. There seems to be a deep yearning in the Quran to reestablish connections with the Christians and Jews if they change certain aspects of their lives. â€Å"So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing,† (Quran, 2:137)3. The Quran expresses concern to particular religious practices conducted by the Christians. It suggests change from such practices and stipulates the correct manner in which they should be conducted. For instance, the Quran argues against the Christian practice of baptism with the view that only God can baptize, â€Å"(Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah: And who can baptize better than Allah? And it is He Whom we worship,† (Quran 2:138)4. Despite the heavy cri ticism that the Quran reserves for the Christians, there is an acknowledgement of the kinship between the religions. The underlying message is that the Christians have just lost their way leaving the Muslims to worship the God they share, â€Å"Say: Will ye dispute with us about Allah, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him?,) (Quran 2: 139)5. In order to create impact for change the Quran offers Christianity and Jews various examples of personalities in the old testament famed for great deeds but who never practiced the kind of religious practices that is generally common in the Christian doctrine.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Perform an investigation and mettalurgical examination of an Essay

Perform an investigation and mettalurgical examination of an industrial component - Essay Example It refers to the procedures used in extracting metals from ore, as well as to the processes related to metals purification and alloy production. It is divided into two subtypes the Process metallurgy and Physical metallurgy. Process metallurgy refers to the ways in producing metals like its refining process through electrolysis or selective oxidation of impurities. On the other hand, Physical Metallurgy studies the structure of metals based on their composition and treatment. It is also concerned with the scientific principles and engineering applications employed in metals fabrication and treatments, and how metal products hold up under their industrial usages. Component manufacturers a lot much of their time in study what type of material is best suited for a certain Products. Every little aspect of the materials is a great issue to them because they want their products to be well equipped for any possible things to happen. They are also concerned to the safety and satisfaction of the Customers. The limitation of their products must be properly stated because they are held liable for whatever accident that might happen in using their products. To perform the said study, we investigate and examined the metallurgy of a gas adaptor (Industrial component). We use gas adaptor as our material because we usually noticed that this material is always exposed to heat and by this we are curious about its composition. We are also concerned with the manufacturing processes of this component on how it comes up to a finished product. This study will enrich our understanding with the proper ways and methods in identifying a certain components, not only of its physical appearance but its chemical composition and capability for a certain application. 1.) We cut a sample of the metal (Gas adaptor), using a metal cutter in a circular shape. In cutting the sample we make sure that it is enough for the investigation. Upon cutting the sample aside from its outside

Corporate Imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Imperialism - Essay Example From the article â€Å"Shooting an elephant†, which was written by Orwell, imperialism is presented as plain robbery. The British controlled everything: resources, rules, and the whole Burmese (Orwell p2). Nowadays, plain imperialism has lost its standing in the world because under the peace and developed science world, violence is killed. However, although violence does not work anymore, invasion of a country by another can never be stopped. People have stopped using violence in invasions but have adopted new methods of invasion. For instance, to make an entrance in other countries, people create multinational companies, which then set their factories into these countries. Through these factories they are able to control the politics and the economy of these countries. This behavior of the multinational companies is referred to as corporate imperialism. Corporate imperialism by the multinational companies not only depredates other countries resources, but also brings a differ ent culture that could confuse the minds of the local people. Pure imperialism and corporate imperialism are twin brother and sister; they have the same nature-plunder other countries’ resources. The only difference is that pure imperialism uses weapons to invade countries, and corporate imperialism uses business as its invading weapon. ... The way they make more profit is that they set factories into these countries, and hire the indigenes that are paid low labor fee to handle the factories and cheaply make their the products from the local materials. For example, the reason why you could see â€Å"Made in China† everywhere now is because the factories have taken advantage of the Chinese low worker’s labor fee to produce more products in the market. Like Chitra Divakaruni presented in her article â€Å"Live Free and Starve†, once the U.S raised a ban on goods made by indentured or forced child labor, the children would be unemployed and they could die anytime due to lack of food. Without the jobs they could not purchase supplies to live. Therefore, in this way the U.S controlled their economy system, because without the jobs, they could not take care of their lives (Chitra). This is just like pure imperialism; people are controlled by intruder’s rule. In other words, simple rule, the more th e resources can be got, the more profit can be made. Like playing a tactic game, the more base you have, and the more chances you can win the game. When your base is getting out of resources, invade others. English now becomes a national language because European and American companies are all over the world. When multinational companies set into other countries, they also set their culture into the countries. Again, like pure imperialism, corporate imperialism also brings its own culture to the local people in order to control their mind. The cultures affect them to an extent that they could be crazy about foreign things and obsequious to foreigners. For instance, take a look at Hong Kong, before it was returned, it was controlled by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Is Rim Destined to eventually Fail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Is Rim Destined to eventually Fail - Essay Example The growth is witnessed in terms of output, staffing and the manufacturing infrastructure. The consistent increase in volume of the company’s products ensures its competitiveness in the marketplace by confirming that the products it supplies are market-friendly and adequate to the ever-increasing number of customers. The increase in production is fueled by the adequacy of staff. Adequate staff ensure that work is concluded on time hence meeting the company deadlines. Manufacturing infrastructure on the other hand facilitates invention and innovation resulting in originality of the company products (Palmatier & Crum, 2003). Externally, there is the ever-rising pressure from the rapidly expanding consumer base; RIM products experience a short lifecycle. Therefore, they have extended manufacturing contracts to likeminded firms to help them in production to meet the ever-rising customer demands. This has extended the decision making chain resulting in complexity when it comes to market efficiency and decision-making in terms of enhancing supply chains. The software makeup of the organization is also not up to the task prompting the implementation of a decision support system for the company to ensure it continues its operations successfully (Chopra & Meindl, 2001). In the recent past RIM has been quite successful and because of this success a crop of challenges have come up threatening the success of the corporation. The company introduced seven new models of their products within the last 18 months. The challenge with these products is their shortened lifecycle that has reduced further from 2 years to a mere 1 year. Reports show that the company’s product portfolio has become very complex ranging from 18 to 100 possible end combinations of the models with only seven lines of products. This has the challenge of easily creating what we call an

IT in Businesses. Week Six Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT in Businesses. Week Six - Essay Example It began with the Harvard Mark I electromechanical calculator in World War Two weighing five tons and 50 feet long. It was then replaced by the 30 ton Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, having 18,000 vacuum tubes and occupying a large space. The invention of the transistor in 1947 gave way for the development of smaller, powerful and more resourceful computers. Input-output tools changed to magnetic tape from punch cards, and new computer languages were developed to interact with the new technology (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). The second stage started in the 1970s when processors on chips and magnetic discs were built. They decentralized computing power from bulky data centers to smaller offices. Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak sold Apple II machines and Bill Gates founded Microsoft. IBM launched the Personal Computer in 1981 (O’Brien, 1999). The third stage involved embedding microprocessors in electronic products. As the complexity of technology grew and the costs reduced, the need for information sharing within enterprises also increased, giving rise to client/server era in which networked computers could access shared information on a server (O’Brien, 1999). The fourth stage of IT evolution originated from the US Department of Defense. It enabled high speed networks and coupled portions of the business enterprise together giving information access encircling the entire management structure. Universities linked up to this system and used it to deliver messages. The US National Science Foundation and several universities set up their own networks, leading to the onset of the popular World Wide Web and broadband (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). The fifth, which is the latest stage, is the wireless one and includes cloud computing. It incorporates the use of cell phones and wifi networks. It gives rise to high levels of mobility independent of location, configuration and nature of the hardware. This phase began with the invention of the mobile phone. It

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is Rim Destined to eventually Fail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Is Rim Destined to eventually Fail - Essay Example The growth is witnessed in terms of output, staffing and the manufacturing infrastructure. The consistent increase in volume of the company’s products ensures its competitiveness in the marketplace by confirming that the products it supplies are market-friendly and adequate to the ever-increasing number of customers. The increase in production is fueled by the adequacy of staff. Adequate staff ensure that work is concluded on time hence meeting the company deadlines. Manufacturing infrastructure on the other hand facilitates invention and innovation resulting in originality of the company products (Palmatier & Crum, 2003). Externally, there is the ever-rising pressure from the rapidly expanding consumer base; RIM products experience a short lifecycle. Therefore, they have extended manufacturing contracts to likeminded firms to help them in production to meet the ever-rising customer demands. This has extended the decision making chain resulting in complexity when it comes to market efficiency and decision-making in terms of enhancing supply chains. The software makeup of the organization is also not up to the task prompting the implementation of a decision support system for the company to ensure it continues its operations successfully (Chopra & Meindl, 2001). In the recent past RIM has been quite successful and because of this success a crop of challenges have come up threatening the success of the corporation. The company introduced seven new models of their products within the last 18 months. The challenge with these products is their shortened lifecycle that has reduced further from 2 years to a mere 1 year. Reports show that the company’s product portfolio has become very complex ranging from 18 to 100 possible end combinations of the models with only seven lines of products. This has the challenge of easily creating what we call an

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Development Portofolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Development Portofolio - Essay Example The opinion that was formed was changed merely in the first few days when the sources of English legal system were informed. These clearly pointed out how the English Legal System had developed that is by judge made decision that is common law as well as customs. Furthermore, the idea of precedents also provided for an analysis into how the procedures were followed and how important was law and procedure contrary to original perception. The studying of the principle of judicial precedent and the modes of statutory interpretation changed the view that judges were tightly bound by the precedent and the provision of statutes. Furthermore, it provided an opportunity on how interpretation was undertaken keeping into account the preserving of the principles. Statutory interpretation also introduced the principle of separation of powers whereby how the Legislature provided statutes and how a decision could be reach by interpretation and how differing decision could be made by judges in resp ect of the same statute was also provided. It was seen that the judges and legislature had overlapped at times but the preservation of separation was undertaken. Furthermore the relationship was one which was dependent upon each other that are judiciary on legislature. The different approach of judges in respect of interpretation of statutes was also an important factor that is the difference between the literal, golden and mischief rule. Finally the aids that the judges used so as to interpret statutes clearly showed that the judges were trying to decide in accordance with the intention of the Legislature and were merely trying to uphold the law in accordance with the intention of the legislature. Developments had been made by judge who could be seen from the judgment of R v. R1 whereby for the first time rape within marriage was introduced. An important confusion which was cleared was the concept of retrospectivity whereby it was informed that the law in UK did not work retrospect ively. Furthermore, an idea on how judges developed principles on which there had been no statute was also analysed. The principle of precedent has been a powerful tool but from the decision of R v R it was seen that there are still certain areas on which precedents might not have been developed. Furthermore, from the decision of R v. R a precedent was developed which is still being followed. However, it is important to mention that the case also allowed to understand the power of reversal and overruling of decisions and also pointed out to the fact that an established precedent can also be changed or reversed. Another important principle which was understood was the human rights and how the law had operated in that respect. The Human Rights Act 1998 introduced the rights and it has played an important role in respect of balancing out and preserving the rights of humans and balancing it out with the enforcement of law. Human right in the English Legal System is a new phenomena and i t has been developing and is still in the stages of developing, the roots of human rights cannot be said to stem from law, but the concept can be related to the principles of natural justice and morality whereby rights of human beings and their preservation is respected. The procedure of the courts and the powers of the courts to reverse, overrule change decision was also understood. Furthermore, the binding nature of precedents and the persuasive nature were also

Monday, October 14, 2019

Truman Show Essay Example for Free

Truman Show Essay Society watches and is attracted to these shows because they are supposed to relate to ordinary people’s lives. Even though it appears that their real lives are playing out on television, it is not as real as it seems when compared to people’s â€Å"real† lives. These â€Å"actors† have nothing to fear. They have security guards surrounding them when filming the show. They do not have to pay for anything because the company pays for their needs and wants. The director cuts and edits the clips to show the adience how he wants the actors’ lives and show to appear. The only difference between the reality shows of today and the Truman show is that Truman was not aware that he was part of a show. In today’s reality shows, the actors are very aware of their surroundings and display behavior that will make the shows more amusing to their audience. Truman’s world was in a way almost a â€Å"utopia† with no worries and no fear. It was, however, repetitive. Every day was the same. There were no difficult choices to make; much like reality television is portrayed today. The decisions they make and the outcomes do not truly reflect what would happen if an ordinary person does the same. The actors in today’s reality television have welcomed the public eye to see everything they are doing, but this isn’t true for everyone in society. While the rest of the society hasn’t invited anyone to track their actions, government and other organizations are already doing this in many ways. These groups have the ability to put up surveillance cameras to track when people are in different locations. They can track internet, credit card and cell phone usage. When traveling by a cell tower, for example, the tower stores the location information in a database. It is ready to be revealed to any government official when solicited (ACLU). Purchases can be tracked, along with, vacations, hotel stays, etc. According to an article written by Daniel J. Solove, for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the most common response to privacy advocates is â€Å"Only if you’re doing something wrong should you worry, and then you don’t deserve to keep it private. † (cite ). The problem with the government collecting private information goes beyond someone doing right or wrong. Some of the problems resulting from collecting and using personal data include the fact that people do not know that this data is being collected about them. They cannot fix an issue if they do not know this technology exists. Another problem with government gathering and using personal data is the distortion of the data. It often fails to reflect the whole person and can paint an untrue picture (Chronicle). Privacy is not typically lost with one major action, but it occurs over time with many pieces of information being collected and used to make assumptions about a person. The question is can it be stopped? The best way to slow down the invasion of privacy is to be careful of the information a person is freely giving out, especially on the internet. Information provided in emails, Facebook, on-line shopping sites, use of credit-cards, or completing surveys for a â€Å"free-gift† all contribute to an ongoing database of personal information. Consumers can continue to express their opinions with government representatives on how this personal information is collected and used. Those who want an increase in privacy should encourage the policy makers to look at the spending programs, regulatory agencies, privacy-invading regulations and investigative agencies for influence (Privacilla). The Truman show portrays the government or â€Å"creator† as having all personal information of Truman and is able to influence and control his entire life. This is not a future that society wishes to imitate. Bibliography ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union. ACLU, n. d. Web. 12 May 2013. Privacilla. Welcome to Privacilla. org. Welcome to Privacilla. org. Privacilla, 3 June 2012. Web. 12 May 2013. Solove, Daniel J. Why Privacy Matters. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Chronicle Review, 15 May 2011. Web. 12 May 2013.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Camaro SS vs Mustang GT Essays -- Compare Contrast Comparison

Camaro SS vs Mustang GT Ask any avid Camaro or Mustang fan about the original ponycar era, and you're bound to feel their pain. They'll describe cars that lit the tires on fire, floor it and hang onto the wheel excitement. When people utter the words, "American Muscle Car," two distinctive cars come to mind. The Camaro SS and the Mustang GT. Both of these cars have been around for generations and loved by all types of people. It has been only recently that both cars have battled head to head so fiercely. You are either a hard core Chevy fan or a hardcore Ford fan, most everybody picks either Chevy or Ford. There are many similarities and differences in both of these cars. The Camaro SS has leaps and bounds of muscle car DNA. It's there in numerous ways: overhead valves, V-8, and a stick shift transmission to get you where you want to go, just like the Z28's and SS's of thirty years ago. No gizmo-actuated variable-valve timing, no overhead cams, and no independent rear suspension, just a 320 horsepower monster V-8. The SS turns 0-60 times in the low five second range with 0-100 approaching in the low thirteens. There has been little change in the SS's from last year to this. The addition of audio controls on the steering wheel, an optional 12-disc CD changer, new interior fabrics, and new alloy wheels (available on all Camaro's). The Mustang GT is also a great "American Muscle Car." The GT produces a low but above average 260 horsepower, this will you...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

High Blood Pressure :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The definition of High blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped and the size and flexibility of the arteries. The blood pressure is continually changing depending on activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, posture, physical state, and drugs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The blood pressure is ussually taken while the person is seated with the arm resting on a table and slightly bent so that the arm is at the same level as the heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Blood pressure readings ate ussually given as two numbers: 110 over 70. The first number is called the systolic blood pressure reading and represents the maximum pressure exerted when the heart contracts. The second number is called the diastolic blood pressure reading and it represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The test can be done at any time. It is usually done after resting at least 5 minutes. The only thing you can feel during the test is the pressure of the cuff on the arm. There is no risk to taking the test. Most people cannot sense if their blood pressure is high because ther are usually no symptoms. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. For people who have high blood pressure, taking the test is a way of monitoring the effectivness of medications and dietary modifications on the blood pressure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Generally, the systolic pressure is approximately 120 and the diastolic pressure is approximately 70 to 80.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abnormal resusts are mild hypertension were diastolic pressure is 90 to 104. Significant hypertension is when systolic pressure is above 200 or

Friday, October 11, 2019

Baby Dumpers in Malaysia Essay

In Malaysia, cabinet decides baby dumping cases investigated as murder or attempted murder to ensure that inhuman acts receive severe punishment (â€Å"Mixed reaction to classifying†, 2010). Some others said that they should given a new chance to repent on what they have done. Our opinions, the punishment is heavy for them due to most of baby dumpers in Malaysia and other countries were committed by underage and teenagers around 20’s. In order to find the solutions for this problem, the community and government need to find the causes and factors that contribute to the problem first. The factors that contribute to baby dumping are cultural values and perspective of the community, HIV/AIDS, poverty and lack of sex education. Cultural value is a concept that a community sharing together about what is right, wrong, possible or impossible, true or false and so on (Young, 2009) while according Oxford dictionary perspective can describe as an attitude or a way of thinking about something. Some of country shares a similar perspective and values. Because of we cripple the issue of baby dumping, so we will focus on what the community thinks that broke into this problem. What makes one girl decided to dump the illegal baby, because they are afraid if they are not accepted by the family and society. This is because having children outside marriage which the mother is no longer involved in a relationship with the father is seen unacceptable in culture in certain country especially in Asian country and Africa (Maundeni & Nnyepi, 2011). Besides that, the mother who carried illegal baby in her belly will think that she would be a shame if people outside the family know about her pregnancy. Due to that, it leads mother to throw or bury their babies (â€Å"Baby-dumping rates soar among school girls†, 2011). Family and community play important roles in this case by giving a moral support for them (Hafidzhi Razali, 2012). Parents and community need to guide them and support them when they go through the phase of their mistake not judging them. This is because they are still young which cannot think what is right and wrong. Yes, they made mistake but the parents and community should correct them and tell them this is not the end of the world. We need to realize that these young people decided to abandon their baby because of they are out of options due to the limitations set upon by social circumstances. From being despised by society and scolded by the family, it is preferable to dump the baby. Abortion is prohibited in all religion no matter you are Christian, Islam, Jews, Buddha or Hindu. Abortion can be like killing a person life so that is why it is prohibits to practice. Many girls who share their experience said that they choose to abandon their babies is because of abortion is prohibited in society (Jia, 2010). Like we mentioned earlier, these girls are young to think what is right to do. So they think that abandon the baby is the best options rather than abortion. This is because they believe that abandon the baby in the dustbin which the baby is still alive is so much better than abort. The second factors that contribute to baby dumping are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). When we say about HIV/AIDS, society always has negative thought about the disease. When someone get infected by other people, they will get the punishment too even though it not their fault. A child with HIV/AIDS always get insulted and negative look from the society even though they didn’t ask for the disease. Issue on baby dumping has been widely happen around the world. The baby been dumped because of the infected of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can be transmitting through sexual contact with the infected, sharing needles or other injection equipment with the infected person, through an open cut or wound and mother to infant. Mother to child transmission of the disease can be happen during the pregnancy month, delivery and after birth and breastfeeding (Otti & Jallow, 2003). This is called perinatal transmission that is usual way the disease transmitted to the child (American Pregnancy Association, 2012). The chances for the baby to be infected is 25% if the mother not taking any treatment during the pregnancy. Baby gets infected by the virus through the blood circulation from the mother HIV-positive, make the fetus to be exposed in the HIV process (Cichocki, 2010). Therefore, the mother who infected will feel depressed due to the transmission of HIV. The depression will lead the mother to dump the baby as her last option. During the delivery, the connection between mother and baby are umbilical cord, which connects the baby with the mother body fluids and blood that contains the virus. The body fluids may get the baby to be infected. Mother with HIV positive are not allow to breastfeed their babies because of the mother milk has very high concentration of HIV. They have been suggested to give commercial milk formula to their babies to avoid the babies from being infected. Due to that, it is kind of burden to the mother to spend money on commercial milk. The other major factor that will contribute to baby dumping is poverty. As we know that if the parents do not have any money to raise the child, they may dump their babies so that they will not have to pay all the baby basic’s requirements, (Sulayman Makalo, n. ). For example, to raise a good baby they will need shelter, and some other basic requirements. For some poor families, they cannot afford for the shelter. This is due to the money shortage and they neither able to buy nor rent a house for the family. Most of the cases of baby dumping are happened in the poor country such as Africa, (Skosana, n. d). There are so many people who live incompetent where some of the families did not plan the pregnancy, but then after the mother pregnant they are not able to raise and give the basic requirements to the baby. This include for the baby’s food, clothes and education. This may affect the developmental growth of the children (Sulayman Makalo, n. d). They dump their baby and hoping that someone will take care for their child with complete requirements with proper education. Other than that, there are some cases that the mother abandoned the baby as a solution due to desperation, (â€Å"Baby dumping-A genocide†, 2012). According to Gosamalang (2011), most of the women who leave and kill their babies are poor, single mother and often the first time mother. This may happen because they are fear of being poor while raising the child. Besides that, there will be a lot of cost needed to grow a child, to buy their food, milk, diapers and clothes. The mother may desperate and under pressure and finally they will dump the baby. Moreover, the father of the child doesn’t want to take the responsibility for the child, which may be the unwanted pregnancy and have no money and disable to grow them. In the developing country such as Malaysia, most of the cases are related to teenagers. This is because eenagers are still young, full with curiosity and not able to raise their own babies, (â€Å"Baby dumping-A genocide†, 2012). They only know to enjoy their youth while they actually have no money and not able to carry a huge responsibility, such as take cares their own baby. They are the largest group who neglect their babies with hope they can start a new life. They also should be studying in school or college where they have no sufficient money to survive with the baby. Here, it can be concluded that poverty is one of the major causes that escalates the baby dumping cases worldwide. The last factors that contribute to baby dumping are sex education. Nowadays, these youngsters are lack of knowledge about sex education, which they are clueless about it. In Nazni Noordin et al, 2012, research; they said that with not enough knowledge on sex, it adds to unwanted pregnancy which it can lead to the baby dumping issues. With the knowledge on sex education, the youngsters can differentiate between bad and good. So in order that all of these youngsters get all the knowledge on sex education, government must play a vital role so that the baby dumping issues are in control. Moreover, in order to decreases the issues, government should introduce sex education in school to combat baby dumping issues (â€Å"Malaysia Considering Sex Education†, 2010). With introducing sex education to school across Malaysia, it can tackle the widespread of baby dumping issues. Even though by bring out the sex education classes have against conservative elements, saying that it will encourage lechery, but with the abandoned of newborns all over the country by young mothers has forced a reconsider. Other than that, according to Singh and Tan, 2010, with sex education, it is creating an accurate understanding of reproductive health among the young, which it was important in reducing baby dumping. It is believe one of the methods that can adopt to raise awareness among schoolchildren especially the youngsters. To success the education, all sectors, includes government, private sector and non-governmental organizations were needed as part of a complete ways to address baby dumping. Furthermore, sex education in school also can create awareness among young generation towards consequences of free sex (Nazni Noordin et al, 2012). Nazni Noordin et al, 2012, also stated that, teenagers nowadays find it much harder to come up with good reasons to say â€Å"no† to sex and to use birth control pills carefully and it shows that there is low awareness among the teenagers towards the sex which its lead to the unwanted pregnancy and consequently, it will lead to baby dumping. Nazni Noordin et al, 2012 cited from Dr. Ismail Thamby, 2010, usually young generation will not think of the result with their behavior. In addition, it is not only government who responsible to control the baby dumping issues. It also must come from the â€Å"root† itself which is the teenagers’ parents or family. As a parent, they need to be fully aware of what their teenagers is taught in school. In order to overcome this situation, parents and family must be open-minded when it came to sex education or sex talk with their children. Moreover, parents should pay more attention and be more supportive to their children so that the young mothers are not afraid of them if they are pregnant outside the marriage (Nazni Noordin et al, 2012). Furthermore, they need to talk to their children about sexuality issues (Mellanby et al, 1995). Other than that, according to Mellanby et al, 1995, all parents should be prepared to answer questions that their children may have. By this it can be sure that the information that the parents provided is complete and accurate and more importantly, it reflects the family’s values. The parents also must control and aware of their children’s outdoor activities in order to prevents unwanted pregnancies which can lead to baby dumping. As the conclusion, this baby dumping issue is hard to control. Before we think about on how to solve this problem, we have to tackle from the root that contributes to baby dumping. Like we have discussed earlier, the factors that contribute to baby dumping are cultural values and perspective of the community, HIV and AIDS, poverty and sex education. Moreover, baby dumping gives so many negative impacts to our society and we have to take several actions in order to reduce the numbers of baby dumping cases.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Poem Introductions- Stories of Ourselves Cie

Because I Could Not Stop for Death In â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death,† the author is taken on a metaphorical â€Å"ride† past her entire life and to her end by a personified death. Symbolism, personification and alliteration are used to highlight the fact that she has come to accept fate as natural and is even happy with her new, â€Å"eternal,† life. My Parents Kept Me from Children Who Were Rough â€Å"My Parents Kept Me from Children Who Were Rough† tells of an author looking back on his life as a sheltered, high class boy that is harassed by the town's â€Å"common kids.† He is abused both physically and emotionally while he, following higher class norms, ignores them. Similes, verbs in past tense, diction such as â€Å"kept† and symbolism help describe not only the situation but give insight on the boy's true desire: acceptance. Attack â€Å"Attack† is a poem about fear, anxiety, uncertainty and danger. The author uses imagery, personification and onomatopoeia to paint a picture of war, describe the dangers as â€Å"alive† and out to get you and reflect the quick and crude sound of bombs and bullets. Anthem For Doomed Youth â€Å"Anthem For Doomed Youth† is a tragic depiction of the meaningless and devastating ends young soldiers meet in battle. Their deaths, unhonored, are blended into the overall war landscape of â€Å"stuttering rifles† and â€Å"angered guns.† Alliteration, personification and metaphors are used to illustrate a landscape filled with gun and bomb sounds and dangers that parallel the human condition during the war. My Dreams Are Of A Field Afar â€Å"My Dreams are of a field afar† is a song of guilt in which a man remembers his fallen comrades and laments not having acted in a certain way. The author mentions the fact that he remains alive because, unlike his mates, he failed to react in an honorable and satisfactory manner; this conflict serves as the root of his remorse. One Art In â€Å"One Art,† the author tries to confront her emotions towards losing a loved one by comparing it to many trivial things. The authors hesitation to write at the end and the change in tone when she says â€Å"the art of losing's not too hard† (an obvious diversion from the confidence expressed in previous lines) show that no matter how much she wants to believe that the â€Å"art of losing,† might be perfected to the point of indifference, she will continue to be affected. Personification in the beginning parallels the nature of the more significant loss at the end of the poem. Tears, Idle Tears Tears, Idle Tears is a poem about the past: a past that although filled with happiness and love is remembered as dead with regret and sadness. Using metaphors, imagery and the repetition of the last line in each stanza, the author paints a picture of a beautiful â€Å"before† that has somehow been lost. Death is made a synonym of that love that once was, but is now a thing of the past. Because I liked You Better â€Å"Because I Like You Better† is a poem of unreciprocated love, a love so strong it was willing to deny itself for the other’s sake. Metaphors are used to see exemplify the effect actions and events have on the author, i.e pain and reluctant agreement. The author might, to a degree, be scornful of his situation since he decides to, without much trouble, accept rejection and describes his love as â€Å"†¦better than suits a man to say.†

The Role of Modern Industrial Manager

MNGT352 Advanced Modern Management The role of a modern industrial manager Prashanth Balacumaresan (200679951) Word Count: 1965 A manager is someone in charge of an organisation or subunit. Many would fit the bill of a manager besides a chief executive, including coaches, bishops, foremen even presidents and prime ministers. What is the role of a manager? If you did ask someone in a managerial position what they did they would probably tell you that they plan, organize, coordinate and control. Mangers are persistent individuals and they perform their activities in concise, diverse manners.Study shows that most activities performed by chief executives last less than 9 minutes and only a small fraction of the time do activities last an hour long. The work pace for most chief executives and foremen are relentless, spending their whole day receiving calls and mail with every break interrupted by a subordinate looking for some sort of guidance (Mintzberg 1990). The role of an ideal manage r should be a balance between the roles Mintzberg has described. This is because a manger is the commander in chief of an organisation and through this role he has contact to various interpersonal relationships.This gives his the opportunity to gain access to various sorts of information which would then enable him to put to good use by planning effective strategies, making decisions or implement in action (Waldron. M. W, Vasanthakumar. J & Arulraj. S 1997). Managerial roles accentuates reasoning and control, and it does not matter whichever direction the focus is on, the manager should always look at ways to achieve results that would make positive impact and make people continue contributing to his or her organisation.In 1981 Arnaldo conducted a survey of hotel general managers by adapting Mintzberg approach to managerial behaviour. What he found out from this research was that a large majority of mangers viewed leadership as the most important role among the ten roles as proposed by Mintzberg. From this view leadership is an essential quality required for one who is a manager. (Zaleznik. A, 1978). The trait theory perspective suggests that certain individuals possess the qualities and characteristics that highlight them as natural born leaders and this is what will differentiate them from their subordinates. Northouse, P2010). Although this suggests that leadership is a quality that cannot be learnt but one that is acquired , (Worsfold,1989)it would give a person who is likely to take up a role as a manager an insight of the characteristics and qualities that are essential for a leader. Furthermore one need not necessarily stick to its outline as leadership is a role that allows an individual to show his or her unique abilities to command and influence others. (Hollander,1978).Project leadership is essentially defined as a process that fits into a managerial job that would take into consideration the requirement and perquisite of those people who decide to stand besides you to see the completion of a particular task. (Cleland,1995). Project leaders should not be too rigid and exercise authority over the situation within leadership criteria (Cleland and Ireland, 2007) but rather as Goetsch and Davies(2006, 254-255) say inspire individuals in making entire enthusiastic along with intentional dedication towards achieving company aims.Thus one does not need to be intellectually superior to be a manager but rather one need to be determinant, strong willed, analytical, intelligent and most importantly be tolerant. (Zaleznik. A ,1978). Kanji (2008) states leadership is defined as the conduct related by activities in taking charge signifying the immense difficulties faced by managers and professors. Therefore leadership is a variation of characteristics, principles, behaviour and attitude that acts as the key to long term performance of established organisations. (Lakshman, 2006).Having an action mindset about the work environment is another trait required by a manager. A popular visual metaphor indicates that an organisation is a chariot pulled by wild horses which represent the emotions, anticipation and ambitions and needs of people in the organisation. Keeping onto to the same track requires just as the same skill that is required to set off in an entirely new direction. Having an action mindset in this context would be to understand the nature of the situation and utilising the capabilities of the team helping to stay on and maintain direction. Gosling Mintzberg, 2003) Nearly all managerial decisions and actions are influenced by the assumptions made based on observation about human behaviour. Douglas McGregor published in his book The Human Side of Enterprise, two very unique ways of looking at human nature namely Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor also assumed that a typical manger should operate on the context that his employees are either Theory X or Theory Y. Assumptions uch as these mould the manager’s pe rspective on his employees resulting in either a Theory X manager, who would assume a direct and harsh approach denying employees control over their work ,using an incentive based reward system to monitor performance and constantly supervise his employees or rather a Theory Y manager who would be more lenient towards his employees granting them positions of responsibility and structuring the work environment in a manner which would result in efficient methods to solve problems and increase productivity. McGregor ,1960) The Hawthorne experiments conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1934 prove this point by clearly illustrating that even when the working conditions were varied the team dynamics of the team remained the same. The women who participated in the experiment formed a cooperative relationship and responded spontaneously to this experiment. As they were not pushed or forced to do work, and every decision they made would influence their work they formed a sense of responsibili ty and worked spontaneously. The productivity increased and the workers remained happy.According to McGregor a manager’s perspective on their employees which could be either Theory X or Theory Y can influence their decisions. What managers need is their employees to perform well and given the right incentive and environment you could achieve excellent results. The ideal Theory Y manager would instead of a directive management approach rather choose an approach which would actually involve giving employees positions of responsibility and forming mutually beneficial relationships. This is what was clearly emphasized by Mc Gregor as a core component of Management.What is lacking is most managers fail to understand this fact (Bobic. M. P & Davis E. W). Human motivation in the workplace cannot be defined of falling into the category of either Theory X or Theory Y. It should be rather viewed as something more complicated which is rather a concoction of the two (Miner, 1980; Schein 1970). It has been observed by many through social interactions with managers over several years that most managers use a blend of theories X, Y and Z rather than sticking to the framework of one particular on (Sharma.S 1998). Self regulation is the process of mastering ones emotions. A person who has mastered their emotions would be adaptable to change and would not panic in a circumstance where change would influence his workplace. Self regulation is a key factor that would be influential in the workplace as due to the modern technological trend and competitiveness businesses and companies exist with a great of ambiguity and uncertainness. Companies merge and break at rapid paces and technology is not constant and it will change. Goleman,1998) currently most companies are adapting to advanced manufacturing technologies that are intended to optimize and improve performance in various aspects of the workplace. These are opportunity to revolutionize the way production processes. Larg e companies are already making the switch towards these innovations in order to enhance the performance and increase the positions in the global markets. (Tidd, 1991) Industries are constantly undergoing revolutionary technological change to transform them abound. Examples include switching from metal engine parts to ceramic and switching from lead acid to lithium ion in batteries.When these situations arise a self regulatory person would possess the dexterity to hold his judgement, seek information and adapt to the changes. Effective team working skills are one that is required of a manager. The ability to coordinate individual actions (Zaccaro, Rittman, and Marks 2001) and having a better communication structure among team members can greatly influence the performance of the effectiveness of the team. Team leaders who are encouraging and involve all members in team problem solving enable collective information processing that maximises the teams effectiveness. Zaccaro et al. ) Goo d managers enable their teams to remain goal oriented, ensure a collaborative setting for the team members, build confidence, demonstrate technical skills, set their priorities, manage performance expectations and bring back excellent results. (LaFasto, Larson 2001). Essentially team leaders, who set high performance goals, demonstrate a clear set of strategies and push their team members to their full potentials will display higher team efficiency and cohesion rather than team leaders who do not involve themselves in such tasks. Zaccaro et al. ) Motivation is also a key role for the manager. He or she must be themselves be motivated to perform the task at hand and meanwhile they should be able to motivate the team by keeping the team morale upHow a manager motivates his employees could be varied according to the approach he or she takes. Firstly there is the KITA approach which literally translates as kick in the pants which can either be a negative or a positive approach depending on the manager.Negative KITA is a direct action approach, and it has its drawbacks of being physically confronting which can build up negativity among the employees and the manager. There is also the softer positive approach which is considered as a seduction technique which is the promise of incentive to the employee which can get them to produce good work. (Hertzberg, 1968) This is supported by the expectancy theory that proposes the idea that people work harder depending on the size of the reward. (Mullins, 2007).According to Fredrick Hertzberg motivation relies on two factors firstly the hygiene factors that deal with factors such as working conditions, job security etc and the motivator factors. An employee would usually expect the hygiene factors to be implemented in the workplace as these are factors that help an individual to settle down in an environment. Taking these away from an employee would automatically make him or her dissatisfied and hence de-motivated to work. The other motivator factors are based on an individual’s desire to be better and rise above others.These include status, recognition and sense of achievement. Let us take the company Innocent Drinks for example. They motivate their staff by providing a working environment which is pleasant i. e. the inclusion of trees inside the offices and having Astroturf floors. They also provide free breakfast, a team weekend every year and also scholarships of ? 1000 to employees to fund personal projects such as taking a course etc. Even in their weekly meetings they make their staff feel valuable and this way Innocent helps to keep its staff happy.This is a good model of How Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors have been taken into account and keep employees motivated. (Caterer research how to motivate staff 2011) Mc Clelland’s achievement motivation theory categorizes the people who want to achieve. These people were motivated by intrinsic factors such as goals and aspirations of the individual rather than extrinsic factors such as salary etc. These sorts of people were identified by their affinity to perform difficult put potentially achievable goals, and their like to take risks.These are the sorts of characteristics expected in a manager. In conclusion what should be stated is that all these qualities may not be present in a manager but in general a good manager would be an ideal blend of some of these characteristics. These would not necessarily be outwardly showed but when the situation arises if one could perform that is what is essential. This is the internal meaning of the quote â€Å"Cometh the hour, cometh the man†. Bibliography Arnaldo, M (1981) ‘Hotel general managers: a profile’, The Cornell H. R. A. Quarterly November, 53-56. Bobic M.P and Davis E. W A Kind Word for Theory X: Or Why many New Fangled Management Techniques quickly fail. Cleland, D. I. (1995). 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