Tuesday, August 13, 2019

One night with the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One night with the King - Essay Example Though the image of Esther, played by Tiffany Dupont, in the film may be called untypical for the biblical female character, it provides us with the insight into the religious history from the fresh but credible point of view. We are accustomed to perceive biblical female characters as humble and obedient, devoted wives, hot believers and followers of the divine commandments, or as sinful creatures, bringing only woe to their men. The negative female image even seems to prevail and be more typical for the Bible and Christianity. Virgin Mary had to acquit the biblical women, atoning for Eve’s sin. However, Esther is one of the characters winning good name and restoring the female reputation in the history of the mankind. We do not know whether the story took place in reality or if it is fictious, yet the image of Queen Esther is one of those, people will always admire. She is the character distinguished by bright individuality, untypical for the biblical women as we are used to perceive them. The Biblical Esther appears as a rather schematic personage. We only know that she was a beautiful and charming maiden, evidently clever and sexual enough to capture the King’s heart. She was loved by people who saw her. This also indicates her ability to influence the masses. She was smart as the real woman should be. We could compare her with Cleopatra, who achieved her aims with the help of men. Esther managed to charm the major eunuch Hegai by name, so that he gave her the best apartments and seven chosen maids from the king’s palace. Hegai taught Esther things that could please the King. Esther knew how to behave with her husband in order to make him satisfy her request. Twice she invited him to banquets, before uttering her will. Esther was obedient to her husband as the law demanded. She was obviously a good lover, and perhaps an advisor of the King. It was she who reported about the plot against her husband. All the news passed through her

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