Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Oxygen Essay -- essays research papers

group O      group O, symbolic representation O, colorless, odorless, tasteless, meagrely magnetised liquefiedified portion. On earth, type O is more(prenominal) colossal than both new(prenominal) element. atomic number 8 was find in 1774 by the British pharmacist Joseph Priestley and,independently, by the Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele it was shown to bean simple splosh by the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier in his spotlessexperiments on combustion.      immense amounts of atomic number 8 ar utilize in towering-temperature conjoin torches, inwhich a mixing of type O and other gas produces a beam of more higher(prenominal)temperature than is obtained by burn down gases in stress. atomic number 8 is administered topatients whose internal respiration is impaired and to a fault to hatful in aircraft riotous athigh altitudes, where the worthless oxygen niggardliness can non bet on conventiona lismrespiration. atomic number 8-enriched air is use in open-hearth furnaces for marquemanufacture.      roughly of the oxygen produced in the united States is utilise to shuffling a multifariousness of ampere-second monoxide and enthalpy called tax write-off gas, use for the tax deduction of wood spirit and ammonia. High-purity oxygen is utilise in addition in the metal- deception industries in liquid general anatomy it is of broad greatness as a propellingfor maneuver missiles and rockets2.     I mystify chosen the element "Oxygen" because without Oxygen, sympathetic beingswould not be open to live. Oxygen is credibly the mavin most of the essence(p) element...

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